Monday, February 19, 2007


The events mentioned here have long since become a distant memory and I know exactly what you all are thinking…"These guys are so living in the past, they’re hopelessly lost in time!" But we have our own reasons for the delay…

Many of us see numerous faults in the system and all of us have various questions but few ever raise their voice.This is not because we lack the capability to do so or because we are afraid of the repercussions, it is because we don’t see our efforts attaining a meaningful conclusion.But there comes a point in time when one can’t take things lying down anymore.This outburst is the result of a year of bottled up silence.

We all know how one simple lie eventually leads to another and then another till an entire web is strung. Similarly one bad decision leads to another and so on until we have one royal screw up! This series of articles aim to explore and explain how a single lapse in management unleashed the biggest mistake of all, the one that we call

Friday, February 16, 2007


Some time back while lecturing the students on behaviour and discplin the 'Director General' had said that he didn't want to see Amity becoming like Lucknow University and that he would not tolerate gangsters and hooligans entering and creating ruckus on the campus. Since then he has introduced various precautionary measures like forcing us to wear IDs (read dog collars) to keep us on a tight leash and prevent such incidents.
Obviously as we all know, none of them have worked. The 'devil may care' attitude prevails and the hooliganism persists. This is not because the people in question are smart enough to beat the system but because the administration is stupid enough to not realise that the enemy is within. If you refer back to 'the begining of the end part 1' you will realise that the blatant rule breaking had one more side effect. The dip in the standards (or rather the lack of it) for accepting students gave all sorts of unwanted elements access to the institute. Eventually these very students became the ones who went on to popularise eve-teasing, rowdism in the college and wreak havok in the system!
Ofcourse you all are wondering, "How did all this happen? Who is to blame for this?" Well, the actual list is very long and the names in it pretty prominent but in the center of all this chaos is just one man - Mr. Ohri! He alone authorised the change in procedures and accepted the admission of all students. Not only did he fail to contain the situation, he let it spin out of control!
Obviously on the outside he has to act as if he is working in the best interests of the students but everybody knows it's a facade. He knows about his inability to take decisive action and therefor he pretends to be unaware of the problem. For three years Director General has served only one purpose...his job is to brush the dirt under the rug!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Greed - The single human characteristic that never fails to betray – One of the more popular ones amongst the seven sins, it strikes everyone eventually and this time it chose to strike the Amity administration. This story goes all the way back to the time when the first batch was just about to begin…
As far as reputations go, Amity didn’t really have one and considering the wonderful facilities provided by the college (read non-existent), even an optimist wouldn’t dream of a big line outside the admissions office. In all fairness to the Amity Administration, they did everything that they could have done (well, everything except what they should have done) to promote admissions. They put ads in the papers, rented out airtime, distributed pamphlets even went knocking from school to school and yet nothing seemed to work. The term dates were very close and yet the admissions depressingly low so in one final desperate attempt, Amity decided to bend the rules. They shifted the semester ahead by a month and decided to accept anybody and everybody who knew how to fill a form!
As a result the Amity Lucknow schedule went out of sync with practically every college in the county including Amity Noida. So whereas everybody else finished their end-semester exams by mid-semester, Amity Lucknow students were forced to study through Christmas and New Year. This not only ruined the students holidays but also induced resentment which in turn caused the exams to suffer All this simply because somebody up the ladder cared more about making money and less about the needs of the students!

!!! STAY TUNED !!!
!!! MORE TO COME !!!